A museum dedicated to Clarus, the Dogcow (Apple DTS mascot : she can flip, she can do precise alignment, and she moof!)
Clarus as the mascott of the Apple DTS team has inspired many.
Here discover all animated pictures with Clarus, the Dogcow.
We have a separate collection for pictures made by Apple and another for fixed pictures
Warning : protect our eyes (wear sun glasses if possible) :
This page contain many animated gif running all at once !
Glory for 2000's web design and hourrah for GIF !
Author: chollian - 1998
A japonese page that told the story of Clarus, focus on it's color version.
Bonus : Chollian has an animated dogcow.
Author: Sosumi - 2002
Source : Sosumi_0000 (archive.org)
Sosumo create a page dedicated to Clarus with many in-house animated gif
Author: Sosumi - 2002
Source : Sosumi_0000 (archive)
Beside animated gif (above), Sosumi also create a movie starring Clarus over M$.
Author: unknow - discovered 2004
Sorry the source for this picture has been lost in the internet...
A brown flipping dogcow
Author: unknow - discovered 2004
Sorry the source for this picture has been lost in ther internet...
A 3D extruded dogcow waving its tail.
Author: unknow - discovered 2004
Sorry the source for this picture has been lost in ther internet...
Print settings flip animated
Author: Caleb Shawn Lollis - 2004
Source : ELollis (archive.org)
This site presents a model a created a cut-out clarus.
It also has a nice rendering of the cut-out animated.
"The Bobbing-Head Dogcow is not copyrighted by anyone, but please if you take it provide a link back here to be nice. This drawing of the Dogcow including front, side, and rear views was not easy. We (co-creator wishes to remain anonymous) had to "envision" what these angles of the Dogcow would look like if they were to exist, who knows? maybe apple will develop a 3-D model of the Dogcow someday, but that would infringe on the whole premise that the Dogcow is 2-D. We encourage Comments and Suggestions, even submit revisons to the Dogcow and we'll tell you want we think. We want to have the best Dogcows available!"
Author: Dave Cotter - 2005
Source : lazilong
Lazilong recreates the original QTVR movie with the technique describe in TechNotes 1031 with a better resolution and using After Effect.
Warning : QTVR is not very compatible with modern system (require QuickTime 7)
Author: Troposhepra - 2011
Source : Troposhepra (tumblr)
A unique and strange animation : Clarus eyes fall and fall again... WTF !?