Clarus, the Dogcow : Moof Museum

A museum dedicated to Clarus, the Dogcow (Apple DTS mascot : she can flip, she can do precise alignment, and she moof!)

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Welcome to Clarus Museum.

The Clarus Museum is proud to show you the most complete collection of "Clarus, the Dogcow" items (more than 400 items).

Warning : If you're not a Macintosh geek or interested in computer pop culture, this site will be probably very boring for you, sorry.

What is "Clarus, the Dogcow" ?

Clarus in "Page set-up dialog"

Clarus was the Apple DTS (Developer Technical Support) mascot from 1986 to 2000, it spread out of Apple labs and went into a Macintosh geek figure.


Definitions (from Jargon Dictionnary)

dogcow /dog'kow/ /n./ The dogcow is a semi-legendary creature that lurks in the depths of the Macintosh Technical Notes Hypercard stack v3.1. The full story of the dogcow is told in technical note #31 (the particular dogcow illustrated is properly named `Clarus'). A dogcow also appears if you choose `Page Setup...' with a LaserWriter selected and click on the `Options' button.

See our History section for details or the FAQ section for fast introduction.

Listen to Clarus (moof!):

Last News

Annette Wagner, redesign original little dog from Cairo font to the Dogcow for laserWriter driver in 1986.

She found an original draft design from the early works.

Arnold leash Clarus (1996)

Another hijacking has been report (Jim Trudeau) towards Icon Garden :

Arnold (the Metrowerks/CodeWarrior mascot) has leashed Clarus in 1996.

Jim Trudeau allow us to reproduce an except from the chapter 1 of the book : "Programming Starter Kit for Macintosh" (1995).


Kelly Young found a (small) reference to Clarus inside Swift Language Guide by Apple.

It's new, Apple have previously removed all DogCow references since 2004, probably the Apple legal staff was on holidays.


On 23rd november 2014, Tim Cook announce a "Apple Watch Moof! edition" for the new Apple Watch, delivered with a dedicated and unique application.

It could display Clarus and moof when clicked, background color can by configured via your iPhone (Orange, Green or Red).

What is "Clarus Museum" ?

The Museum gather history and all related items to "Clarus, the Dogcow" in one virtual place (pictures, movies, sounds...) since 1997.
Clarus was part of geek culture, specially Apple and Macintosh from 80's and 90's. Many items can not be found anymore today on internet, specially those in Apple Labs.

This museum is Clarus memory.

The Museum bring you a comprehensive Clarus History. You can browse our Collections (items were grouped by theme) or examine our visual Gallery.
Items include pictures, sounds, movies, data or references).

If you have questions, read the FAQ first, then moof!

What can be found ?

The Museum share items from its collections and got some very rare Clarus appareance :

Copyright© and Trademarks™

The Museum contain many pictures, icons, movies, sounds... stored for many years now (since 1997).
All those multimedia contains are often copyrighted, we use them to keep an aggregate and safe collection. We all know internet has no memory, sites came and die. Many items we found years ago are now no more available on the net.

Our purpose is not to steal artwork, we cite the original author and link to the original place when it's possible.
We try to be fair, and we do not make any money (no ads) or advantages with those materials. It's only computer culture and history.

If you find something you own and you don't want the museum to show it, tell us. We'll remove it, and we'll be sad. If you find somthing you own and want to share details, you're welcome.

Some years ago, Apple explicitly copyrights Dogcow logo and moof!, but since 2012 those name were not listed in the official copyright list (but this list is told to be incomplete). We try to contact Apple copyright departement but got no answer... So Dogcow and moof! are "perhaps" copyrighted by Apple Inc... or not.

The museum claim no copyright on anything, all explanations and notice for items are free to be reused, just link to the original place.


The Museum keep trying to improve and adding more items to the collection.
If you find, own or create, or if you know historical precisions, related to Clarus or just need to moof! : contact us

Original Cairo 'z' glyph


They bring new items to the Museum :
Susan Kare, Feorag NicBhride, Nick Chinn, Joseph J. Strout,
Frédéric Kerbrat, Anders Jonsson, Byron Han, Jean-Denis Muys-Vasovic,
Wil Lapointe, Florian, Kelly Young, Jim Trudeau, Annette Wagner and James (from RetromacCast)..

Thanks to the Wayback Machine that let us explore old web site and retrieve valuable materials.
