Clarus, the Dogcow : Moof Museum

A museum dedicated to Clarus, the Dogcow (Apple DTS mascot : she can flip, she can do precise alignment, and she moof!)

Collection : Outside Apple (Pictures)

Clarus as the mascott of the Apple DTS team has inspired many.
Here discover all icons, pictures and graphics made in relation with Clarus, the Dogcow.
We have a separate collection for pictures made by Apple and another for animated pictures


Author: unknow

Sorry the source for this picture has been lost in ther internet...

A reincarnation of the Apple DTS badge (WWDC'88) with Cairo and the Apple Logo.

Render Jedi

Author: unknow

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A dogcow glowing white on a black background.



Author: Mac@LehighValley Mac User Group (no date)

Source : Mac@LehighValley Mac User Group

Mac@LehighValley Mac User Group has a Glossary of Apple & Mac Terms. At letter D you could find Dogcow and a strange illustration, a deformed version...

dogcow production

Author: unkown - 1990

Source : trademarkia

"Moof! Dogcow Productions" was law-suit by Apple Inc for using Dogcow icon and moof!.

Moof food

Author: MTWS - 1996

Source : MTWS (

They sales WWDC CD with 150 sessions in video...


Moof in Mind

Author:Mark Stanley Bubien - 1996

Source : StoryBytes

Probably the oldest web site about Clarus the Dogcow.
Run by StoryBytes since 1996, Moof in Mind is a manisfesto for Macintosh developers and also presents Clarus history and some original materiasl, including a strange color dogcow drying on a tree and a very small variation (16x13 pixels) !

Made wih Macintosh

Author: Kate Dungca - 1997

Source : brian boitano (from

The page is marked with a brown Dogcow animated gif, with "Made with Macintosh"

House of Moof

Author: cchs - 1997

Source : cchsrp (

The Christian Community High School has an original page dedicated to Clarus... very strange but Dogcow is fun.

Discover the ultra-cool Dog-Cow-Boy, the "Rock'Solid, my Ass" and TeleMoof...


Author: Rick Riccetti - 1998

Source : seapine (blog)

Rick tell us the story of Seapine software logo and suddenly came Clarus...



Author: Ross - 1998

Source : Ross (from

Ross has a site about the Dogcow, with a brief history section. The collectibles he owns and a serie of rainbow icons he creates.

Ross also send to the museum a comparaison note.


Author: Joseph J. Strout - 1999

Source : MacTech volume 15

Joseph used Clarus to illustrate an article about PixMap rotation.
He send us its creation, the rotating dogcow.


Author: edwood - 1999

Source : edwood (

edwood illustrate it link page (for mac) with a nice brown dogcow.

MacDev (MIT)

Author: MacDev - 1999

Source : MacDev (MIT)

The Macintosh Development group of Information System at MIT used Clarus on top of a dome as their mascot.

Rolling Moof

Author: Arnaud Boutle - 1999

Source : IconFactory (

Win 2nd prize for PixelPalloza in 1999 run by Icon Factory with a serie of "Rolling" icons.

A icon in the serie "rolling" : a rolling moof !


Author: foom - 1999

Source : foom

Foom is a gamer team (Fraternal order Of Moof) for the game "Team Fortress".
They, of course, have Dogcow as Mascot and a dedicated page for Clarus.

"Welcome to the home of FOoM, the Fraternal Order of Moof. We are a Team Fortress Classic clan dedicated to the pursuit of life-long happiness through the fragging others with your fellow dog-cows."

There logo is a revisited Dogcow walking (with 4 legs).



Author: anakin - 1999

Source : applejuice (

Anakin propose some icon kit for macOS 8.5. On kit include 2 doggow : the classic one and a embossed one (adapt to MacOS 8.5 theme).




Author: unknow - discovered in 2000

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A strange reversed dead-brown dogcow with a small shadow.


Author: unknow - discovered in 2000

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A very small (16x12 pixels) gray and brown dogcow, with a little red lung. An original design.

Folder C

Author: unknow - discovered in 2000

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A dogcow in a folder. to fit it in the folder, the author has reduce its legs.


butcheck & butbear

Author: unknow - discovered in 2000

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A dogcow on a green button.


fcsm (DBFace)

Author: Florian & Pierre-Alain - 2000

On usenet, some french users start using the DB-Face capability from MacSoup (usenet client software), enabling them to presents color pictures (96x96 pixels max) for their identity.

Of course, some used Clarus.



Author: Pierre-Alain Dorange - 2000

Pierre-Alain experiment variations around Clarus and the iMac series in 2000.

Wipe Out !

Author: Jeffrey J. Hoover - 2000

Source : MacDude (from

MacDude site has a page called Wipe Out! (seems to be like an server error 404) illustrated with a deformed dogcow.

Your Moof headquarters

Author: Dougintosh - 2000

Source : Dougintosh (

Dougintosh sales Apple/Mac collectibles, it has a Moof section with T-Shirt, Hat, Watch, Pencil and pet mat...
View Dougintosh Clarus collectibles.


Author: feorag - 2001

Source : applejuice (

Feorag propose several icon sets, one is a variation with Clarus and the new iMac look : transparence and bright color (the same flavors Apple propose for the iMac at that time).

Clarus @ boston

Author: Mark DeNyse - 2001

Source : markdenyse

Mark is a fan of the Boston Red Socks baseball team and has adapt Clarus accordingly (with red socks of course).

His site has a section "casa de dogcow"

Dogcow X

Author: Carlos Reyes - 2001

Source : interfacelift (

Carlos design a serie of icon for macOS X, featuring Clarus




Author: Andrew Sleigh - 2001

Source : andrewsleigh (from

Andrew realize in 2001 that there was a cult for the Dogcow. Then he celebrates this with 2 pictures.

Thanks Andrew.

Clarus : "un OS est un OS"

Author: unknow - discovered in 2001

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A strange Dogcow with the logo of MacOS X on her nose, in french is wrotten "un os est un os", a word-joke with the french "os" (bone) and "os" (operating system).
In fact we could interpret this as Clarus with an "os" (bone) in her mouth, and this bone is MacOS X...

flying dogcow

Author: iMacWire - 2001

Source : imacwire (inaccessible)

A dark-brown Dogcow flying over the moon, very cryptic message.

This picture is a screenshot of a preview of the picture.

New G5

Author: Eric Gosselin - 2001

Source : Apple Collection (flickr)

Eric create a new design for the upcoming G5 Macintosh, Apple ignore it...


Author: moof - 2002

Source : UKCIRC Mugshots (from

Some users of the UKCIRC has "mugshots", one of them (moof) used a personalized Dogcow.

attack of the gateways

Author: wired - 2002

Source : wired and jedi concil forums

This picture is a StarWars "pastiche", mixing "Empire Strike Back" famous scene with AT-AT Walkers and "Attack of the Clones", transmuted into computer world, with Airport base station fighting robots... Note that AT-AT Walkers has been moofed with a Dogcow suit !

There is also Darth Cow, Steve Jobs as Hobiwan, Steve Ballmer as Jaba the Hutt and Bill gates as the emperor.

Very strange and don't know why and how this image reside in Wired servers...

Interview mit Susan Kare

Author: Spiegel Online - 2002

To illustrate an interview with Susan Kare, German "Spiegel" create a Dogcow carrying a Smiling Mac (2 icons created by Susan Kare).

"Kare: Ich habe den gefleckten Hund für die Cairo-Schrift entwickelt, die mit dem ersten Mac 1984 ausgeliefert wurde."



Author: Pierre-Alain Dorange - 2002

PixelToy Garden was a challenge to design tiles using pixels to fill a garden.
PAD design two tiles featuring Dogcow and a moof sculpted in a bush...


moofie award

Author: AppleLinks - 2002

Source : AppleLinks (

AppleLinks has created a moofie award to celebrates games on the Macintosh, and the award has a golden dogcow mascot.



Author: Omoto - 2002

Source : tam (

Omoto has a page dedicated to Clarus with some revisited pictures


Author: Chubby - 2002

Source : konpeito (

Chubby has made a bitmap font that include a very small Dogcow version : 11x11 pixels. The smallest one !



2002 - 2004
Joy of Tech Comics

Author: Nitrozac & Snaggy

Joy of tech is a geek comics for the web site GeekCulture. Clarus made 4 appearrances:


Author: Vinay Venkatech - 2003

Vinay wrote an article on his blog to critisim MacOS X GUI, the article his headed by a flipped Dogcow

Stuart's moof

Author: Stuart Cunningham - 2003

Stuart illustrate its bio with a slightly twisted Dogcow that linked to wikipedia article about Clarus...

Return of Clarus

Author: Darren Woodcock - 2003

Source : atpm

Darren design this picture for ATPM (About This Particular Macintosh Volume 9, Number 9 (September 2003).
This picture represent the Dogcow (marked as G5, for PowerPC) under the spotlight of a UFO named "IBM" (IBM build PowerPC at that time).

Greetings from Cairo

Author: Guru de Mac - 2004

Source : gurudemac (inaccessible)

A nice postcard from Clarus visiting Cairo, found on a now inaccessible blog at AOL.

As Clarus has been abandonned by Apple from this date, perhaps has she escape from Apple Labs and is now touring around the world. If you received any postcard from Clarus, please tell us.



Author: agatepickin (2004)

The original source is unavailable and wayback machine has no trace for this geocities web site : "agatepickin"
We found there Clarus of course, but also a Cow and a Cat with the same pixel design... Moof! Meooff ?

Author: Chris Lewis - 2004

Source : (

Chris own the domain from 2004 to 2005 and illustrate it with a full orange background, a single page about Dogcow.


Author: Veerle Pieters - 2005

Source : Veerle Pieters (flickr)

Montage with a sitting cow and 2 dogcow.



Author: Dogcow Land blog - 2005

A blog on MacGUI handle by Dogcow featuring a Dogcow rainbowed as its avatar.


The Reservoir Dogcow

Author: Adam Betts - 2005

Source : the reservoir (

The Reservoir Dogcow was a gamer team in World of Warcraft MORP.
Adam Betts design a logo and a web design, read the full article about the design process.


Clarus the dogcow in desktop size

Author: Jeremy Kemp - 2005

Source : macphile (flickr)

Jeremy propose a big picture of Clarus, unfortunally there is strange deformation and a no-usual direction.


Clan Lord

Author: ThoomCare - 2006

Source : ThoomCare Report on Tsriin 564

Clan Lord is on online game with old fashion (8 bits) graphics with a large community.
Users handle characters with a specific avatar, some of course use "Clarus, the Dogcow"

enter the dogcow

Author: jeff - 2006

Source : idopa

Jeff used this dogcow on MacOX background to illustrate its short article on idopa.

moof rainbow

Author: xxx - 2006

Source : MacGUI (vault)

Another rainbowed Dogcow.

Chicken vs Dogcow

Author: YJ - 2006

Source : stupidchicken

A webcomics about a chicken yelling at things... on 2006 she yelled at Clarus.


Author: David Connor - 2007

Source : alonemedia (flickr)

David show on its flickr account a picture (with Clarus as background) called "Milkymoocow", it looks like a prototype for a blog design.

Dogcow in iOS

Author: Christopher DeCaro - 2009

Source : mercurystate (

Christopher put on its flickr a capture of an iOS apps that propose a Clarus icon in its icon list.
It was a transformed icon but definitly related to Clarus !


Author: Andréas Corcol - 2010

Source : ace1138blog

Andréas design a Moof to illustrate an article on his blog.


Author: Literate Lobsters - 2011

Hommage to Steve Jobs death on the Literate Lobsters tumblr.
The design was the same as the Note "Proper usage of the Dogcow icon".


Author: StarGate System - 2011

StarGate is a USA compagny that made Applications for Mac and iOS, thier web site is illustrated with a magnificent Clarus on an iPhone...


Author: unknow -2011

Source : Gnarlodious

An aqua Dogcow (cairo design) on a black brackground.


Author: Janez Starc - 2012

Source : jabolko

Janez present Clarus history in Slovenia, we can learn that Dogcow makes "Muu" in this country.


Author: Heng D. - 2012

Source : hengdm (foursquare)

Heng has a Clarus avatar on FourSquare, it looks like an Angry Clarus.

Hot Dogcow

Author: JacqAllen - 2012

Source : jacqallen (flickr)

JacqAllen has a picture of what looks like a smartphone screenshot with a vectorized Dogcow...


Author: Binary Boy and Midget Man - discovered in 2013

An old site that do not work anymore, but it feature a small animals (Dogcow Production) called "moo".


Author: Dave Anderson - 2013

Source : tuaw

Erica Sadun wrote a review of PaintCode software.
Dave sent a SVG dogcow to test SVG import from PaintCode and it works.


Author: Michinobu Fujii - 2013

Source : plumpepper (

Michinobu made is personnal wallpaper, it was the only picture on its flickr account... with a vectorized Clarus (from Cairo TrueType font)

Old School Apple

Author: Matt Hunsberger - 2013

Source : teleflux (

Everyday Matt put a picture on its flickr account. On 2nd march 2013 he put a Clarus picture.
This picture "Old School Apple" got some strange artefact, but it was Clarus.


Author: unknow - discovered in 2013

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A rainbowed dogcow on a sky background, it was an avatar picture.


Author: unknow - discovered in 2013

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A dogcow inspired by Cairo with a strange broken nose.


Author: unknow - discovered in 2013

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Page Curl

Author: unknow - discovered in 2013

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A nice Dogcow hidden under a page curl.


Author: unknow - discovered in 2013

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A Dogcow moofing at an iMac.


Author: unknow - discovered in 2013

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A djihadist dogcow ?

If your are an NSA agent, this picture was only there to illustrate (do you understand ?) ; i do not want to go to Guantanamo.


Author: unknow - discovered in 2013

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Another variation of a 3D dogcow, small resolution.

She looks like the 3d dogcow founded on xMetal desktop.


Author: speedfoot - discovered in 2013

Source : speedfoot (photobucket)

iWatch moof! edition

Author: Pierre-Alain Dorange - november 2014

Apple announce a new "moof! edition" for this band new iWatch. Delivered with an exclusive application : "moof!"